EveryÂone has the right to feel secure in any enviÂronÂment they exist in. This espeÂcialÂly includes the workÂplace. It is imporÂtant to impleÂment cerÂtain safeÂty meaÂsures and proÂceÂdures to ensure the secuÂriÂty of your employÂees, propÂerÂty, and equipÂment. Whether you are startÂing a new busiÂness or just want to revamp your old secuÂriÂty meaÂsures, the folÂlowÂing are 8 workÂplace secuÂriÂty tips:
- Install a trustÂed alarm and secuÂriÂty sysÂtem- Be sure to install an alarm sysÂtem that works for you. It is equalÂly imporÂtant to have a secuÂriÂty sysÂtem that may include secuÂriÂty camÂeras and access conÂtrol.
- Know and manÂage your employÂees- UnforÂtuÂnateÂly, you someÂtimes need to secure your workÂplace from withÂin. This includes elimÂiÂnatÂing employÂee theft by conÂductÂing propÂer backÂground and refÂerÂence checks. In addiÂtion, you should ensure that your employÂees are propÂerÂly trained in terms of workÂplace safeÂty, secuÂriÂty, and emerÂgency plans.
- ConÂtrol access to the buildÂing- Any entrance to your workÂplace should be secured. A sysÂtem should be in place where employÂees must swipe an ID card or check-in with secuÂriÂty perÂsonÂnel before they can enter the workÂplace. A clear proÂtoÂcol should be develÂoped for any pickÂups or delivÂerÂies.
- ProÂtect your valuÂables- PropÂer locks and safes should be used when it comes to guardÂing your valuÂables. Access to your main servÂer room should have limÂitÂed access and remain locked at all times. Any monÂey, finanÂcial docÂuÂments, or othÂer imporÂtant items should be placed in a safe in which the comÂbiÂnaÂtion is givÂen to very few indiÂvidÂuÂals.
- ProÂtect your workÂspace- While we strive for the office to be secure overÂall, it can start by securÂing your own space. Lock your comÂputÂer when you aren’t sitÂting in front of your desk. Have a lock on your filÂing cabÂiÂnets or drawÂers. Place your perÂsonÂal belongÂings in a secure area.
- Secure techÂnolÂoÂgy- Make it difÂfiÂcult to steal inforÂmaÂtion. EmployÂees should not be able to copy any inforÂmaÂtion and you can do so by disÂabling driÂves. In addiÂtion, printÂers can store a lot of inforÂmaÂtion so be sure to clear the memÂoÂry and any extra docÂuÂments are shredÂded.
- Have a budÂdy sysÂtem- If it is necÂesÂsary to work late, don’t do it alone! Or, try not to. If you do end up stayÂing late, have a budÂdy sysÂtem in place so that you aren’t walkÂing alone to your car at night. Or, if no one is left at work, ask secuÂriÂty to accomÂpaÂny you.
- MainÂtain propÂer lightÂing- Always make sure that you have propÂer lightÂing. LightÂing is imporÂtant for employÂee safeÂty and in addiÂtion, it could aid in secuÂriÂty. HavÂing propÂer, bright outÂside lightÂing could assist in securÂing the perimeÂter of your work buildÂing.
AdherÂing to the above workÂplace secuÂriÂty tips will ensure the safeÂty of yourÂself, othÂers, and the workÂplace itself. In addiÂtion to these tips, if you notice anyÂthing unusuÂal or feel uncomÂfortÂable at any time, you should always report it. The old adage rings true in that it is always betÂter to be safe than sorÂry.
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