Hal­loween Safe­ty and Secu­ri­ty Tips

As most peo­ple know, espe­cial­ly par­ents, Hal­loween is just around the cor­ner. The stores are full of can­dy treats and cos­tumes and the kids are full of ideas on what they want to wear. And again this year they will ask to go “Trick or Treat­ing” with­out parental chap­er­on­ing. These are but a few chal­lenges we face on Hal­loween. Here are some easy to imple­ment Hal­loween safe­ty tips to con­sid­er.

1. Kids cos­tumes should have reflec­tive prop­er­ties sewn into them or you can apply reflec­tive tape to bags and jack­ets. Vis­i­bil­i­ty is the key! Kids that are seen have much less chance of being involved in traf­fic acci­dents. You can find this mate­r­i­al at craft stores etc. Do not use masks that will pre­vent a clear field of vision, use face paint as an alter­na­tive. Not only should kids be seen, they need to be able to see!
2. If your kids are going out with­out your super­vi­sion (over the age of 12), agree on a route and a time frame before they leave. Make it a rule to only cross streets at sig­nalled cross walks or prop­er­ly marked inter­sec­tions. No dodg­ing back and forth across streets!
3. Use the bud­dy sys­tem. The kids may have out­grown parental super­vi­sion, but being with old­er sib­lings or the neighbour’s kids is advis­able. Pro­vid­ing them with your old mobile phone in a zipped up pock­et for emer­gen­cies is also help­ful.
4. Trick or Treaters’ should not approach hous­es that are dark. If the home­own­ers’ are par­tic­i­pat­ing the house will be well lit, and it will like­ly have a pump­kin on the front step. It will look wel­com­ing. Kids should also be instruct­ed to NOT enter a strangers’ home, the treats can be received at the front step.
5. As a par­ent and a home­own­er, this is a time to keep all your out­side lights on, this can help keep the young ones in clear view, and deter the more trou­ble­some teens from van­dal­ism. At the con­clu­sion of the trick or treat­ing time, spend a few min­utes bring­ing poten­tial­ly trou­ble­some items into the back yard or garage. This would include the carved jack o’ lanterns, small dec­o­ra­tions, elec­tri­cal cords etc.
6. If you are dri­ving in res­i­den­tial neigh­bour­hoods, cut your speed and pay close atten­tion. Be extra care­ful when back­ing out of dri­ve­ways and park­ing lots. There will be tod­dlers and small kids that will be hard to see, plus they can be eas­i­ly dis­tract­ed and might sud­den­ly veer onto the street.
Hal­loween is a time to be enjoyed with your kids and your neigh­bour­hood. If you are new to the neigh­bour­hood or just haven’t had time to get to know your neigh­bours, this is a great oppor­tu­ni­ty. One of the most eco­nom­i­cal and effec­tive ways to cre­ate a safe neigh­bour­hood is to get to know the peo­ple in your com­mu­ni­ty. So enjoy the evening from your front porch chat­ting with your neigh­bours! Hap­py Hal­loween!

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Allan Baum
Security Industry veteran with over 30+ years in the industry. Founded family owned and operated Protection Plus in 1994 with his wife and has overseen its growth since. In addition to working with his wife and son, Allan has assigned the role of Chief Canine Officer to his trusted dog Waub, who joins him at the office every day.