Childproofing—or babyproof­ing, as it is some­times known—is a way to cre­ate a safe home envi­ron­ment for your young­sters. As soon as they start walk­ing, chil­dren will do their best to get up to no good. It’s not their fault that they’re curi­ous, but as a par­ent, you have to keep them safe and part of this includes mak­ing sure they don’t open doors they’re not sup­posed to. This is eas­i­ly done with knob guards.
What are knob guards?

Knob guards fit over your exist­ing door knobs and make turn­ing the knob next to impos­si­ble for chil­dren. Adults can get around knob guards by press­ing down which allows the knob to turn and the door to open. Chil­dren are unable to press down on the knob because their hands are too small and they haven’t devel­oped the nec­es­sary body strength yet. Knob guards make any room of your house off-lim­its to a tod­dler. They cre­ate an obsta­cle for any child by mak­ing it impos­si­ble for them to open the door.

Are there dif­fer­ent types of knob guards?

There are knob guards designed for all kinds of doors, so it’s a mat­ter of find­ing a brand that you like. If you have levers as door han­dles, you will need guards that fit over the entire door han­dle. If you have doors with tra­di­tion­al knobs, you will need to get guards that fit over the knobs. Knob and lever guards are eas­i­ly removed, so once your child gets a lit­tle old­er and is allowed to open doors on their own, you can take them off with­out any prob­lems. How­ev­er, you should still keep pinch guards on your doors for a while longer.

What are pinch guards?

Pinch guards pro­tect your child’s fin­gers from get­ting smashed in the door. These guards leave a small gap in the door so it can­not close com­plete­ly. They are made of a small piece of foam or plas­tic, usu­al­ly U‑shaped, and clip around the hinged or lock side of the door. Pinch guards pre­vent slams and your child’s fin­gers from get­ting caught. They are great for a child’s bed­room and oth­er rooms that your kids spend a lot of time in, such as a play­room. Pinch guards are not to be used on exter­nal doors, only inside of the house.

Child­proof­ing is a nec­es­sary part of par­ent­hood and with knob guards and pinch guards, you can keep your lit­tle ones safe.

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Mike Wedmann
Mike Wedmann is an experienced Security Industry Professional with over 25 years experience as a Security Integrator and Project Manager. Mike has been with Protection Plus Inc. for over 20 years. Mike has lived in the greater Toronto area for over 25 years with his wife, 2 kids and a dog named Bart. He has an educational background in Communications and writing. Mike is a published author that writes about his experiences on various topics, including his experience as a parent. Primarily Mike writes about Security Industry products and Security Solutions that benefit consumers.