As our home secu­ri­ty sys­tems get smarter, so do crim­i­nals. Although we wish bur­glars would be eas­i­ly deterred by our gates and locked doors, this isn’t always the case any­more. Career crim­i­nals do their home­work and will resort to any tac­tic to steal your valu­ables even if you have a state-of-the-art secu­ri­ty sys­tem. The lat­est trend in bur­glary is a “smash and grab” job that does trig­ger the secu­ri­ty alarm, but crim­i­nals don’t seem to care.

Prevent Window Smash with Window Films

What is a smash-and-grab?

Instead of wait­ing until you are out of town to break into your home, crim­i­nals will throw a heavy object through your win­dows shat­ter­ing the glass. They’ll then enter your home through the bro­ken win­dow and grab what they can before get­ting out quick­ly. Smash-and-grab inci­dents last mere min­utes and usu­al­ly occur at night. Crim­i­nals who smash your win­dows and grab your things are inter­est­ed in items that are gen­er­al­ly found in liv­ing rooms like lap­tops, TVs and gam­ing sys­tems. There is hope, though. Bur­glar­ies like this can be pre­vent­ed with secu­ri­ty win­dow film.

What is Secu­ri­ty Win­dow Film?

You may have heard of win­dow films by a vari­ety of oth­er names such as safe­ty win­dows, secu­ri­ty win­dows, blast-resis­tant film, safe­ty and secu­ri­ty film or shat­ter-resis­tant film. This film is made of a clear mul­ti-lay­er poly­ester that fus­es to the inside of the win­dow, allow­ing for a strong rein­force­ment of the glass.

How doEs Secu­ri­ty Win­dow Film work to pre­vent theft?

Because the poly­ester mate­r­i­al used to cre­ate win­dow films is shat­ter-resis­tant, it has a high degree of elas­tic­i­ty. The elas­tic prop­er­ties make it dif­fi­cult for the glass to break upon impact. Basi­cal­ly, a rob­ber can throw a heavy object against the win­dow, but the rein­forced film makes it almost impos­si­ble to com apart. Instead of sec­onds for an open­ing to appear, it takes sev­er­al min­utes if at all for thieves to pen­e­trate the win­dow.

Are win­dow films notice­able?

You can get clear or tint­ed win­dow films. Both come have the added bonus of reduc­ing UV rays, which helps pro­tect your fur­ni­ture from sun dam­age. Win­dow films also low­er your ener­gy costs since they offer an added lay­er to keep cool air out in the win­ter and warm air out in the sum­mer. Unless you get the tint­ed option, win­dow films are not notice­able.

With win­dow films installed, you great­ly reduce the chance of a smash-and-grab job. Crim­i­nals can try to break the glass, but they will not be able to—so you can rest assured that your valu­ables remain yours.

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Allan Baum
Allan Baum founded Protection Plus with his wife Neseh in 1994. He has worked in the security industry since 1991. His educational background includes an MBA from York University ( when it was still York) and a B.A. from McGill. Allan and Neseh have three wonderful children who are now considered adults and an equally wonderful dog named Waub.