As your fam­i­ly grows, so does the need to make your home secure. As a par­ent, you are tasked with pro­tect­ing your home and your fam­i­ly. You want your chil­dren to have a great start in life, with the free­dom to explore the world with­in the con­fines of your home. Since you can­not always keep your eyes on them, it is impor­tant to imple­ment secu­ri­ty strate­gies that will keep your kids safe in your absence, and alert you when there is loom­ing dan­ger.

Imple­ment­ing these strate­gies will give peace of mind to new par­ents:

1. Use a baby mon­i­tor: an audio/video baby mon­i­tor allows you to keep your eyes and ears in your baby’s room while you car­ry out oth­er tasks in oth­er rooms inside your house, or even out­side – depend­ing on the range.

2. Install a home secu­ri­ty alarm sys­tem offer­ing motion detec­tion and video sur­veil­lance: depend­ing on the pack­age you install, you can ben­e­fit from mul­ti­ple fea­tures, includ­ing fire and smoke detec­tion, motion detec­tion, and video sur­veil­lance. Such a sys­tem will let you know when there is a fire, or when there is an intrud­er in your home or any oth­er threat that may harm your fam­i­ly.

3. Cov­er elec­tric sock­ets with guards: as your baby grows and begins to roam your home, it will be hard to con­tain his/her curios­i­ty. Elec­tri­cal sock­ets are par­tic­u­lar­ly dan­ger­ous because they are posi­tioned very close to the ground. Cov­er all sock­ets with guards to pre­vent your baby from spit­ting, throw­ing water, or insert­ing objects that may get them elec­tro­cut­ed.

4. Install safe­ty gates: safe­ty gates can be used to restrict move­ment to cer­tain areas of the home, like the kitchen, stairs, toi­let, or oth­er dan­ger­ous places where they may get injured.

5. Child­proof all cab­i­nets: some cab­i­nets, espe­cial­ly the ones below counter lev­el, often con­tain dan­ger­ous chem­i­cals and deter­gents that may cause injury. To pre­vent injuries, con­sid­er child­proof­ing all doors and cab­i­nets in your home so the baby can’t open them when left unmon­i­tored.

6. Install win­dow and door locks and guards: your new­born will soon be able to grasp small things, and will know how to open a door or win­dow, which could get them injured if they place a hand or foot in the wrong place, or man­age to climb out a win­dow and fall. A baby may also lean on an open door for sup­port and fall in the process. To avoid such, con­sid­er plac­ing extra locks and guards on all doors and win­dows.

Last­ly, con­sid­er clear­ing any clut­ter, includ­ing toys, books, and clothes that may be lying around. Also, hide any wires on elec­tron­ics and go wire­less when­ev­er pos­si­ble.

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Allan Baum
Security Industry veteran with over 30+ years in the industry. Founded family owned and operated Protection Plus in 1994 with his wife and has overseen its growth since. In addition to working with his wife and son, Allan has assigned the role of Chief Canine Officer to his trusted dog Waub, who joins him at the office every day.