One of the most sig­nif­i­cant ben­e­fits of a mon­i­tored home secu­ri­ty sys­tem is know­ing that help will be on the way when your alarm is trig­gered, even if you’re away from home, asleep or unable to call 9–1‑1. When an alarm is trig­gered, pro­fes­sion­al­ly trained oper­a­tors will dis­patch police. But these days, police response can be slow in some juris­dic­tions, espe­cial­ly if the alarm is not “ver­i­fied” by oth­er sources, such as video. This is where an extra lay­er of response can make a crit­i­cal dif­fer­ence in the secu­ri­ty of your home.

With Pre­mi­um Guard Response from PROTECTION PLUS, pro­fes­sion­al licensed secu­ri­ty guards will also be dis­patched to your home when your alarm is trig­gered. This ensures that your prop­er­ty is checked quick­ly (even if police have been dis­patched too).

Here’s what you need to know about Pre­mi­um Guard Response and why it’s rec­om­mend­ed for every home secu­ri­ty sys­tem.

What is Premium Guard Response?

Pre­mi­um Guard Response is a real-time alarm response ser­vice that is designed to aug­ment tra­di­tion­al alarm mon­i­tor­ing pro­to­cols. When an alarm is trig­gered, our mon­i­tor­ing sta­tion oper­a­tors send a pro­fes­sion­al­ly licensed secu­ri­ty guard near­by. They will check on the home, inspect the premis­es and com­plete a report.

Pre­mi­um Guard Response sup­ple­ments police dis­patch; it does not replace it. PROTECTION PLUS still dis­patch­es police when alarm response is pri­or­i­tized (on video ver­i­fied and pan­ic alarm sig­nals and in par­tic­u­lar juris­dic­tions with alarm per­mit require­ments). But since police response can be unpre­dictable (as we explain below), Pre­mi­um Guard Response ensures that a secu­ri­ty pro­fes­sion­al will be on the way no mat­ter what the speed of the police.

Why is it so important?

When your home secu­ri­ty alarm is trig­gered, you can’t guar­an­tee that the police will respond quick­ly. In many juris­dic­tions, police have been depri­or­i­tiz­ing response to non-ver­i­fied alarms, plac­ing you, your fam­i­ly and your home at risk.

“Non-ver­i­fied” refers to alarms not ver­i­fied by video or oth­er sources. Police say that depri­or­i­tiz­ing non-ver­i­fied helps to reduce the wast­ed work­force on false alarms. But what if it’s not a false alarm? Just because there’s no video doesn’t mean it’s not a seri­ous emer­gency.

That’s where Pre­mi­um Guard Response pro­vides a cru­cial extra lay­er of alarm response.

How does it work?

burglar breaking glass When your home secu­ri­ty alarm is trig­gered, our mon­i­tor­ing sta­tion uses “one-click” dis­patch to access our net­work of pro­fes­sion­al licensed secu­ri­ty guards.

The clos­est on-demand guard accepts the dis­patch and imme­di­ate­ly nav­i­gates to your home. The guard prompt­ly inspects the prop­er­ty and sub­mits their find­ings into an online report. This includes dig­i­tal and pho­to­graph­ic reports, so you (and the police) can see what hap­pened.

On-board map­ping and track­ing ensure that our Pre­mi­um Guard Ser­vice pro­duces ver­i­fi­able alarm respons­es dra­mat­i­cal­ly faster than the indus­try stan­dard. Unlike oth­er guard ser­vices, we lever­age lead­ing-edge tech­nol­o­gy with a greater work­force, cov­er­age and a mean­ing­ful report­ing pro­to­col for trans­par­ent and account­able alarm response.

Learn more

Secu­ri­ty pro­fes­sion­als will be on the way when your alarm is trig­gered, regard­less of how quick­ly police respond. Con­tact us today at PROTECTION PLUS for more infor­ma­tion on Pre­mi­um Guard Response.

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Brandon Baum
Brandon Baum has been at Protection Plus since he was born in 1998. Since Graduating from Ryerson in 2020, he has been at the company full-time. Currently, his title is Chief Security Officer.