CanaÂdiÂans are known for a few things. The way they talk, their love for hockÂey, maple syrup and their infaÂmous winÂters. This year, CanaÂdiÂans across the counÂtry have been dealt a bitÂterÂly cold and unpleasÂant winÂter; one that hasn’t been seen in a while. In the past, we’ve expeÂriÂenced cold winÂters and treachÂerÂous conÂdiÂtions before, but none like we’re seeÂing now. Not only has this winÂter been cold, but we’ve even expeÂriÂenced the treachÂerÂous weathÂer conÂdiÂtions, from ice storms to snow blizÂzards to a mix of the two. With all of this, we can’t help but hope for sumÂmer to be here quickÂly. ForÂget about beatÂing the sumÂmer heat, it’s time to focus on surÂvivÂing the bitÂterÂly cold winÂter and its afterÂmath.
1. BunÂdle Up
RememÂber when your parÂents used to tell you to dress warmÂly before you went out. RemindÂing you to put on layÂers as you could always take them off but couldn’t put them on if you were cold. Well, that teachÂing becomes very imporÂtant this winÂter seaÂson. We’ve already expeÂriÂenced what ‑41 degrees can feel like and it’s not very pleasÂant. This winÂter, make sure to bunÂdle up warmÂly, even if it is for five minÂutes. That includes wearÂing your winÂter jackÂet, hat, scarves, gloves and warm shoes. It only takes for mere secÂonds to catch a cold or even worse, frostÂbite. If you’re going to be out longer, then put on layÂers. RememÂber, if you start to feel warm, you can always take them off.
2. Stay Indoors
One of the best ways, and probÂaÂbly the smartest way to surÂvive the frigid cold temÂperÂaÂtures is to stay indoors. If you don’t have to go anyÂwhere imporÂtant, then why leave the warmth and comÂfort of your home? Errands and chores can be done anothÂer day. Take this as an opporÂtuÂniÂty to catch up on some overÂdue work or spend time with the famÂiÂly and kids. Just like how authorÂiÂties tell homeÂownÂers to remain indoors durÂing horÂriÂble weathÂer conÂdiÂtions, the same is true in this case. StayÂing home means stayÂing warm.
3. Be PreÂpared
To be able to surÂvive the winÂter, you’ll need to be preÂpared. From tools to clean your driÂveÂways to layÂers that will keep you warm, this winÂter seaÂson doesn’t look like it’ll be lightÂenÂing up. Make sure you have plenÂty of salt this winÂter. With all the snow and freezÂing rain comÂing down, salt will help to melt it away, makÂing walkÂing around your house a lot safer. Be sure to keep a small shovÂel and your car essenÂtials in your car. You may need these if your car breaks down or is stuck in the midÂdle of the road.
4. Be Aware of WeathÂer Changes
Many of us hate the cold and can’t wait for it to warm up. HowÂevÂer, if it warms up to quickÂly, it can have danÂgerÂous conÂseÂquences and we’ll be seeÂing that in the comÂing week. EarÂly in the week, we expeÂriÂenced ‑41 degrees and by the weekÂend, we’ll be seeÂing above seaÂsonÂal temÂperÂaÂtures, like 4 degrees. With such drasÂtic changes in the temÂperÂaÂtures, it’s imporÂtant to be aware of the effects that these drasÂtic weathÂer changes can cause. If the weathÂer goes from extreme cold to above seaÂsonÂal in a short amount of time, be sure to check on your water pipes, espeÂcialÂly those in the baseÂment. Extreme cold temÂperÂaÂtures cause pipes to freeze and if they thaw too quickÂly, they could crack and cause extenÂsive water damÂage. This is also the same for cracks in winÂdows, walls and cracks in your founÂdaÂtion. Also, be aware of ice and snow meltÂing too fast, espeÂcialÂly on the roof. If ice or snow melt too fast, it can unexÂpectÂed slide off the roof and posÂes as a seriÂous danÂger. If you fear that will be the case, avoid tryÂing to remove it yourÂself as you could put yourÂself in danÂger. In this case, try pinÂpointÂing where the ice or snow may fall and avoid walkÂing under that area.
Stay safe this winÂter.
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