Keep­ing chil­dren safe is an hon­ourable and daunt­ing task. Here is some great advice from Toron­to Police that you should pass on to your chil­dren.

1. To nev­er accept any­thing from any­one unless they have per­mis­sion from a par­ent or the per­son look­ing after them.

2. Not to open the doors for any­one unless a par­ent is aware of the vis­it.

3. When they are allowed to answer the phone (e.g. if the call dis­play shows it is a par­ent, sib­ling, grand­par­ent or neigh­bour) and what they should say.

4. To stay calm if they become lost, and to find help from a store clerk, police offi­cer or a moth­er with chil­dren, and to nev­er go into a park­ing lot alone.

5. To check in reg­u­lar­ly with a par­ent or care­giv­er when they are not at home. If they want to change their after-school plans, or go from one place to anoth­er (e.g., from one friend’s house to some­one else’s house), they are to call you first. Make sure your chil­dren under­stand to check in with you when they arrive at their des­ti­na­tion.

6. That you always need to know where they are going, includ­ing the address and tele­phone num­ber.

7. To nev­er get into anyone’s car or go any­where with any­one – even with some­one they know, unless a par­ent or care­giv­er has giv­en per­mis­sion.

8. To check in with you or the care­giv­er when they get home. Estab­lish rules for hav­ing friends over or going to some­one else’s house. Wher­ev­er your chil­dren go, ask about super­vi­sion. Be sure that you know how to reach your chil­dren at any time.

9. That if they are ever in a sit­u­a­tion where they feel uncom­fort­able or unsafe, and want to be picked up right away, they can alwayscall you, no mat­ter what. Focus on the fact that they made the right choice by call­ing you, and that you hope if they are asked to go again, they will not go – tell them that if there is peer pres­sure to go, it’s okay to make an excuse to friends for why they can’t (e.g.,they have to babysit younger sib­lings, there is a fam­i­ly gath­er­ing they must attend). 

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Allan Baum
Security Industry veteran with over 30+ years in the industry. Founded family owned and operated Protection Plus in 1994 with his wife and has overseen its growth since. In addition to working with his wife and son, Allan has assigned the role of Chief Canine Officer to his trusted dog Waub, who joins him at the office every day.