Video alarm verÂiÂfiÂcaÂtion can sigÂnifÂiÂcantÂly increase the speed of police response to break-ins and othÂer alarm events—up to 85% faster—and also increase the risk of an arrest by as much as 50%.
But how exactÂly does it work? Don’t all alarm sysÂtems have some verÂiÂfiÂcaÂtion process already?
Not exactÂly. And in fact, conÂvenÂtionÂal secuÂriÂty sysÂtems that use phone verÂiÂfiÂcaÂtion are notoÂriÂousÂly unreÂliÂable and prone to false alarms. Worse yet, police in some jurisÂdicÂtions will not autoÂmatÂiÂcalÂly respond to alarm events if the inciÂdent canÂnot be verÂiÂfied approÂpriÂateÂly: verÂiÂfied events always get priÂorÂiÂtized first, so that police resources aren’t wastÂed on false alarms.
Video alarm verÂiÂfiÂcaÂtion proÂvides live video eviÂdence of a crime in progress so that police know to respond right away.
Here’s how it works when you use an ALARM‑i video monÂiÂtorÂing sysÂtem.
1) Alarm is triggered.
When your alarm is trigÂgered, your video camÂeras are already rolling. WithÂin moments, this footage is sent to you and the monÂiÂtorÂing staÂtion.
Any event that trips your secuÂriÂty sysÂtem will autoÂmatÂiÂcalÂly begin this process. For examÂple, this could be a break-in, a broÂken winÂdow, motion detecÂtion, etc.
2) The system notifies you.
As the sysÂtem ownÂer, you’ll autoÂmatÂiÂcalÂly receive alerts on your mobile phone and comÂputÂer that an event has occurred.
These aren’t your stanÂdard text notiÂfiÂcaÂtions, either. You’ll receive both pre-alarm and real-time video clips of the event – as it unfoldÂed and is hapÂpenÂing right now.
ALARM‑i also gives you the option to disÂpatch police or disÂreÂgard the notice. In that sense, you become an addiÂtionÂal source of verÂiÂfiÂcaÂtion because you can conÂfirm from the footage that a crime is occurÂring.
3) Our monitoring station is alerted too.
What hapÂpens when the sysÂtem notiÂfies you of an event if you’re not by your phone?
Don’t worÂry – the ALARM‑i monÂiÂtorÂing staÂtion has your back. When your secuÂriÂty sysÂtem is trigÂgered, our monÂiÂtorÂing staÂtion receives the video alarm verÂiÂfiÂcaÂtion eviÂdence simulÂtaÂneÂousÂly. So even if you miss the notiÂfiÂcaÂtion on your phone, our disÂpatch operÂaÂtors can view the same clips and real-time video of your locaÂtion.
They will verÂiÂfy that an event is in progress and transÂmit it to the police. They will also conÂtact you to ensure you’re aware of the sitÂuÂaÂtion.
4) Police are dispatched.
At your request, or after our operÂaÂtors view the footage, police are notiÂfied and disÂpatched so that they can respond to the premisÂes right away.
PriÂorÂiÂty police disÂpatch is nearÂly twice as fast (85%* on averÂage), givÂing you peace of mind that authorÂiÂties will be swiftÂly on their way. This speed draÂmatÂiÂcalÂly increasÂes the chances of catchÂing the susÂpect in the act, preÂventÂing them from getÂting away with anyÂthing valuÂable or causÂing costÂly damÂage.
AddiÂtionÂalÂly, video footage can be used as cruÂcial eviÂdence for prosÂeÂcuÂtion and insurÂance claims.
Contact us for more information.
For more details on how ALARM‑i Video Alarm VerÂiÂfiÂcaÂtion can proÂtect your busiÂness or famÂiÂly,
call 1–844-416‑7587 or request a no-obligÂaÂtion secuÂriÂty sysÂtem conÂsulÂtaÂtion.
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