SecuÂriÂty glazÂing, also known as SecuÂriÂty film, is a durable sheet of plasÂtic that adheres to the panes of glass on your doors and winÂdows; its purÂpose is to proÂvide a douÂble layÂer of preÂvenÂtion against unwantÂed intrudÂers.
Stay Safe With SecuÂriÂty WinÂdow Film
WhereÂas conÂvenÂtionÂal glass can be quickÂly broÂken, thus exposÂing your home to easy entry, those reinÂforced with secuÂriÂty film make it much more difÂfiÂcult for burÂglars to get inside.
LamÂiÂnatÂed glass is a simÂple and affordÂable soluÂtion that proÂtects thouÂsands of homes and buildÂings each year from forced entry, not to menÂtion increased resisÂtance to bulÂlets. This may not be a conÂcern to most peoÂple, but logÂic says if it can betÂter resist a bulÂlet, it will be betÂter able to resist golf balls and baseÂballs when they get away from the neighÂbourÂhood kids, as well.
AnothÂer major benÂeÂfit of secuÂriÂty film, espeÂcialÂly for homeÂownÂers who live in areas prone to heavy winds is its abilÂiÂty to capÂture broÂken glass shards. UnseÂcured doors and winÂdows can instantÂly become destrucÂtive, harmÂful debris in the event of high winds. Steer clear of the lethal shards by applyÂing this life-savÂing layÂer of film.
It truÂly is one of the easÂiÂest and most effecÂtive ways to ensure your peace of mind, and since most homeÂownÂers’ insurÂance comÂpaÂnies offer disÂcounts to cusÂtomers who employ these meaÂsures, you could save a bunÂdle on your annuÂal preÂmiÂums, as well.
How Does SecuÂriÂty Film Work?
ComÂprised of a durable polyÂester mateÂrÂiÂal that is held togethÂer by extra-strength adheÂsive, these films adhere secureÂly to glass, yet are invisÂiÂble to the naked eye. They are comÂpleteÂly transÂparÂent and thus proÂvide an extremeÂly strong, see-through barÂriÂer that keeps burÂglars and debris out of your home in the event that the glass is broÂken.
These prodÂucts must meet strict indusÂtry stanÂdards before they can be sold, and each has been testÂed repeatÂedÂly in simÂuÂlatÂed, real-world conÂdiÂtions. PerÂhaps the best part about lamÂiÂnatÂed glass is that it can be installed quickÂly and easÂiÂly by a secuÂriÂty proÂfesÂsionÂal, offerÂing proÂtecÂtion for any homeÂownÂer wantÂiÂng to enhance their safeÂty and secuÂriÂty.
ProÂfesÂsionÂals start by simÂply removÂing and meaÂsurÂing the pane(s) of glass, then sizÂing the film to the approÂpriÂate dimenÂsions. Using a sharp blade to guarÂanÂtee a preÂciÂsion cut, they ensure not to have any excess film when it comes time to install.
AfterÂwards, they thorÂoughÂly clean and dry the glass before applyÂing the film, as this will guarÂanÂtee strong adheÂsion. RemovÂing the backÂing of the film to expose its sticky side, they firmÂly posiÂtion it on the winÂdow and finÂish by smoothÂing out any air and water bubÂbles to keep your view crysÂtal clear.
Although the instalÂlaÂtion process is fast, the proÂtecÂtion it offers will last as long as your winÂdows. Give yourÂself and your famÂiÂly peace of mind and talk to the PROTECTION PLUS ® team today to find out what we can do for you.
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