If you’re a homeÂownÂer, you know how imporÂtant it is to keep your investÂment in a great shape, and you probÂaÂbly take plenÂty of meaÂsures to ensure the peoÂple and belongÂings inside it are kept safe at all times. HowÂevÂer, if you’re like most peoÂple, you could be uninÂtenÂtionÂalÂly putting yourÂself in harm’s way.
The carÂdiÂnal rule for home secuÂriÂty, like many areas of life, is to nevÂer assume anyÂthing. NevÂer think that a burÂglary couldn’t hapÂpen to you; always stay proacÂtive in your efforts to keep unwantÂed intrudÂers out. By doing so, you’ll have the peace of mind knowÂing your famÂiÂly is always safe and sound. And who betÂter to give advice on home secuÂriÂty than a forÂmer, proÂfesÂsionÂal burÂglar? ExtenÂsive research conÂductÂed by a comÂpaÂny called BrightNest alongÂside forÂmer career crimÂiÂnals uncovÂered a wealth of valuÂable inforÂmaÂtion that homeÂownÂers can use to assess the curÂrent conÂdiÂtion of their home secuÂriÂty, as well as to amp it up if need be.
Do You Make These Home SecuÂriÂty MisÂtakes?
- LeavÂing secÂond-stoÂry winÂdows unlocked
You might think it silÂly to lock the winÂdows on the upper floor, since most break-ins occur at ground levÂel, right?
UnforÂtuÂnateÂly, this isn’t the case.
If a burÂglar has access to a ladÂder, which they often do because peoÂple leave them out in the open for quick access, they will waste no time going up if your front door is locked. They know most secÂond-stoÂry winÂdows are vulÂnerÂaÂble entry points; don’t fall vicÂtim to their skill.
- Telling the world what you keep inside those walls
Most peoÂple don’t think twice about tossÂing that new TV or comÂputÂer box to the curb for trash colÂlecÂtion, but they should. In the world of thieves, this is the best adverÂtisÂing there is. If an intrudÂer is less likeÂly to know what they might find inside, the less likeÂly they’ll be to break-in.
- OfferÂing perÂfect conÂcealÂment
BushÂes need to be trimmed and motion detecÂtors need to be installed if you want to boost your home’s anti-intruÂsion meaÂsures. You want to get rid of any posÂsiÂble hidÂing spot a potenÂtial burÂglar could take advanÂtage of.
- Social media boastÂing gets peoÂple in trouÂble
If your FaceÂbook or TwitÂter proÂfile is open for the world to see, be very careÂful about what you post. AnnouncÂing your 2‑week sumÂmer vacaÂtion online could attract unwantÂed attenÂtion. Think about it; you are litÂerÂalÂly telling would-be intrudÂers they have an easy tarÂget.
- KeepÂing the lights off all the time
SimÂply leavÂing the porch light on is enough to deter burÂglars, espeÂcialÂly if there are no cars in the driÂveÂway. You want to make peoÂple think you’re at home, since the vast numÂber of break-ins hapÂpens durÂing broad dayÂlight.
Stop putting your family’s safeÂty on the line and makÂing your home a dead giveÂaway for intrudÂers. Get smart and keep them off your propÂerÂty with these insidÂer tips, and conÂtact PROTECTION PLUS ® for more inforÂmaÂtion.
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