Noth­ing could be more impor­tant than pro­tect­ing your home. But are you doing enough? Are you avoid­ing some of the most com­mon home safe­ty mis­takes?

You might be sur­prised to find out that you’re over­look­ing some of the basics of pro­tect­ing your prop­er­ty. In fact, you may be acci­den­tal­ly giv­ing would-be thieves the green light to invade your home.

The fol­low­ing will help you rec­og­nize which home safe­ty mis­takes you can avoid for long-term secu­ri­ty.

Locks, Alarms, and Home Secu­ri­ty

Most homes these days have mul­ti­ple points of entry. Your front door is the most obvi­ous, and you no doubt keep it locked. But your garage, back­yard, and any side entrances could be vul­ner­a­ble.

The most com­mon mis­take in home safe­ty involves for­get­ting to lock any of these doors. Entry­ways that are less fre­quent­ly used should be the most heav­i­ly pro­tect­ed. Before you leave your home, check all entry points quick­ly to ensure they are secure.

If your home has an alarm sys­tem, you must per­form reg­u­lar main­te­nance to ensure it is work­ing prop­er­ly. Make sure to call up your mon­i­tor­ing sta­tion and place your sys­tem on test before you start set­ting off the alarm. Depend­ing on your sys­tem, it’s some­times bet­ter to have a pro­fes­sion­al review of your sys­tem to address any issues that might exist.

While at it, ensure all fire alarms and smoke detec­tors are in work­ing order. These are essen­tial to your home safe­ty all year round.

Announc­ing Vacan­cy

Bur­glars are good at spot­ting an easy tar­get. Any house that indi­cates vacan­cy will be more appeal­ing to intrud­ers. Many home­own­ers turn off all of their lights when they leave. This not only lets oth­ers know that you’re gone, but the dark­ness is a per­fect cov­er for entry.

This is even more impor­tant when you leave for an extend­ed vaca­tion. Use timers for your lights to allow them to turn on at night. This will sug­gest that there’s activ­i­ty inside the home and ward off any intrud­ers.

It’s also a good idea to have a fam­i­ly mem­ber or close friend vis­it your house every few days to keep your house look­ing occu­pied. Land­line phones should be shut off. Intrud­ers who stake out prop­er­ties will take a ring­ing phone as a sign that no one is home.

Pro­tect Your Valu­ables

Your valu­able items should be kept some­where secure. Any fam­i­ly heir­looms, per­son­al doc­u­ments, or jew­ellery should be locked away. Be care­ful not to keep every­thing stored in one place.

This can be dev­as­tat­ing if a bur­glar does man­age to access it and take it all out in one shot. Heavy-duty safes that can be secured to the ground are less like­ly to be tak­en.

If you have mail or news­pa­pers deliv­ered to your home, have some­one come by and pick them up. Not only does a full mail­box let oth­ers know that nobody’s home, but it can also con­tain valu­able per­son­al infor­ma­tion.

Final­ly, if you’re sell­ing per­son­al items on Craigslist or any sim­i­lar web­site, be cau­tious about buy­ers com­ing to your home. Have some­one present with you and meet buy­ers out­side or at a pub­lic place to pre­vent them from becom­ing famil­iar with your prop­er­ty.

These are the most com­mon home safe­ty mis­takes. Avoid­ing them will keep your fam­i­ly and home safe from theft. Keep your home look­ing occu­pied while you’re away and ensure that all valu­ables are stored secure­ly.

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Allan Baum
Security Industry veteran with over 30+ years in the industry. Founded family owned and operated Protection Plus in 1994 with his wife and has overseen its growth since. In addition to working with his wife and son, Allan has assigned the role of Chief Canine Officer to his trusted dog Waub, who joins him at the office every day.