As we approach the New Year, now is the ideÂal time to begin your secuÂriÂty planÂning for 2023 and ensure your busiÂness is adeÂquateÂly proÂtectÂed.
NewÂer techÂnoloÂgies have made today’s busiÂness secuÂriÂty soluÂtions stronger than ever, proÂvidÂing betÂter proÂtecÂtion against theft, break-ins, burÂglary, vanÂdalÂism, fire and othÂer threats. If you haven’t updatÂed your secuÂriÂty deployÂments in the last few years, chances are you’re leavÂing your busiÂness at risk.
Use this guide to help you reevalÂuÂate your existÂing secuÂriÂty, idenÂtiÂfy weakÂnessÂes and priÂorÂiÂtize upgrades.
Implement a stronger security foundation
A comÂmerÂcial alarm sysÂtem is still the critÂiÂcal founÂdaÂtion of your busiÂness secuÂriÂty. But if you’re relyÂing on oldÂer techÂnolÂoÂgy, then it’s probÂaÂbly time for an update.
Today’s comÂmerÂcial secuÂriÂty sysÂtems proÂvide betÂter detecÂtion of intrudÂers with advanced door/window senÂsors, motion detecÂtors, glass-break break senÂsors and othÂer feaÂtures, such as face recogÂniÂtion. You can use parÂtiÂtions to sepÂaÂrate imporÂtant parts of your busiÂness, inteÂgrate employÂee access conÂtrol feaÂtures and manÂage everyÂthing from a smartÂphone, wherÂevÂer you are. Plus, with alarm monÂiÂtorÂing, you can be sure that authorÂiÂties are promptÂly disÂpatched when inciÂdents occur.
Strengthen entry points
Even with a secuÂriÂty sysÂtem in place, crimÂiÂnals will still look for weakÂnessÂes in your doors and winÂdows. AddiÂtionÂal layÂers of proÂtecÂtion are thus very imporÂtant for preÂventÂing break-ins, espeÂcialÂly when the busiÂness is closed.
Stronger door locks and othÂer door hardÂware are essenÂtial for thwartÂing intruÂsion. SimÂiÂlarÂly, winÂdow film and secuÂriÂty bars are strongÂly recÂomÂmendÂed to preÂvent access through ground-levÂel winÂdows.
Simplify and secure your access control
Today’s access conÂtrol sysÂtems make it much easÂiÂer to proÂvide secure access to your buildÂing, while also trackÂing who’s comÂing and going. These sysÂtems are inherÂentÂly more secure than proÂvidÂing traÂdiÂtionÂal keys to employÂees, because they remove the risk of keys being copied (as well as the need to conÂstantÂly rekey the lock when keys go missÂing). AuthoÂrized users can gain access with a key code, key fob or their mobile phone (withÂout even removÂing it from their pockÂet).
Some sysÂtems also feaÂture built-in camÂeras and two-way comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion, which is ideÂal for comÂmuÂniÂcatÂing with delivÂery perÂsonÂnel and visÂiÂtors.
Gain a clearer view of your premises, indoors and out
NewÂer secuÂriÂty camÂeras give you much greater insight into what’s hapÂpenÂing at your busiÂness. The presÂence of these camÂeras alone can deter theft by cusÂtomers and your own employÂees. If an inciÂdent occurs, whether it’s burÂglary, vanÂdalÂism, illeÂgal dumpÂing or othÂer activÂiÂty, you’ll have clear footage to proÂvide to police and insurÂance comÂpaÂnies.
There are numerÂous types of camÂera sysÂtems availÂable for indoor and outÂdoor instalÂlaÂtion, offerÂing feaÂtures such as off-site viewÂing, AI-powÂered motion detecÂtion, sound detecÂtion and night vision, just to name a few.
Prioritizing your security updates
If you’re not sure how to priÂorÂiÂtize your secuÂriÂty planÂning, conÂsidÂer some of the folÂlowÂing quesÂtions:
Have there been any secuÂriÂty inciÂdents in the last 3 years?
What lapsÂes or secuÂriÂty failÂures allowed those inciÂdents to occur? Were speÂcifÂic sysÂtems at fault?
Have you recentÂly conÂductÂed a risk assessÂment of your busiÂness? How have your secuÂriÂty needs changed over time?
Is your busiÂness subÂject to any laws that require you to impleÂment cerÂtain types of secuÂriÂty sysÂtems, such as secuÂriÂty camÂeras for select retail enviÂronÂments?
Conducting a business security audit
The sinÂgle best way to approach your planÂning is to request a busiÂness secuÂriÂty audit. A secuÂriÂty proÂfesÂsionÂal from PROTECTION PLUS will conÂduct an extenÂsive audit of the secuÂriÂty vulÂnerÂaÂbilÂiÂties at your locaÂtion and will proÂpose options that fit your needs. ConÂtact us today to request an audit or learn more about the secuÂriÂty soluÂtions outÂlined above.
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Mike Wedmann
Mike Wedmann is an experienced Security Industry Professional with over 25 years experience as a Security Integrator and Project Manager. Mike has been with Protection Plus Inc. for over 20 years. Mike has lived in the greater Toronto area for over 25 years with his wife, 2 kids and a dog named Bart. He has an educational background in Communications and writing. Mike is a published author that writes about his experiences on various topics, including his experience as a parent. Primarily Mike writes about Security Industry products and Security Solutions that benefit consumers.
Deion and Patrick were fantastic! They were very friendly and knowledgeable, taking the time to answer all of the questions that we had. Would definitely recommend Protection Plus and their outstanding team!
Rescue 7
Great company - install was seamless and friendly. Happy with our choice.
Robert W
An incredible company. From our first meeting with Mike to the completion of our installation with
Deion, Joe, and Patrick, we couldn't be happier. Everyone was professional, knowledgeable, courteous, and took the time to thoroughly explain the system. Great hardware and even better people.
Maria Jose Cordovez
Patrick not only fixed the cameras but also ensured I could use the app and see the cameras working. He was punctual and very professional.
Laurie Shiffer
Wiring was done to perfection. Thank you
Nora Pavelescu
Deion, the service technician is knowledgeable
and efficient technician.
Max Greenwood
Upgraded our home security service with Protection Plus. Deion, our technician was fantastic. Would highly recommend
Ken O'Shaughnessy
I have been with Protection Plus since 1999 and find them professional, knowledgeable and friendly. When I have contacted them they provided prompt service.
I would highly recommend them to anyone looking for a home alarm system .