Com­mer­cial access con­trol sys­tems pro­vide an indis­pens­able lay­er of secu­ri­ty for busi­ness­es that need to con­trol who’s enter­ing the build­ing. But these sys­tems deliv­er numer­ous oth­er ben­e­fits besides giv­ing secure build­ing access.

These sys­tems offer var­i­ous advan­tages for any com­mer­cial envi­ron­ment, from offices to ware­hous­es and indus­tri­al sites. This post illus­trates how these sys­tems can make your facil­i­ty more secure, eas­i­er to man­age, and more effi­cient.

Advantages of Access Control Systems

1) Dependable security

First and fore­most, access con­trol sys­tems make your build­ing secure. They lock your facil­i­ty, pro­vid­ing access only to those with spe­cif­ic cre­den­tials, such as your employ­ees. These cre­den­tials can be con­firmed via RFID key cards and fobs, con­tact­less smart cards, pin codes, smart­phones, bio­met­rics and oth­er devices. Any­one who is not on your approved access list will not be able to get inside. So it’s a nec­es­sary form of secu­ri­ty for many types of busi­ness­es.

2) Activity tracking

Access con­trol sys­tems can keep accu­rate records of who is enter­ing your build­ing. This is cru­cial for busi­ness­es that close­ly mon­i­tor activ­i­ty at their premis­es. And, if an adverse inci­dent occurs at the busi­ness, such as theft in the mid­dle of the night, you’ll know who was in the build­ing when it hap­pened.

3) Easier management

Today’s access con­trol sys­tems are straight­for­ward to man­age. You can quick­ly add or remove peo­ple to your access lists. You can con­trol what days or times peo­ple can access the build­ing. And you can cus­tomize those sched­ules for each indi­vid­ual. This is quick and easy to con­fig­ure or change from a com­put­er or smart­phone.

4) No more cumbersome keys

With access con­trol sys­tems, you don’t need to cre­ate new keys or man­age who has which ones con­stant­ly. Every­thing is dig­i­tal, so there are no old-fash­ioned keys at all. In addi­tion to sim­plic­i­ty, this is a much more secure process: you don’t have to wor­ry about track­ing old employ­ees’ keys or the risks of unau­tho­rized rekey­ing.

5) Touchless 

If desired, your access con­trol sys­tem can be com­plete­ly touch­less. The sys­tem can auto­mat­i­cal­ly scan users’ smart­phones as they approach the door, pro­vid­ing access with­out the user need­ing to remove their phone from their pock­et. Touch­less access is con­ve­nient and san­i­tary, help­ing to pre­vent the spread of germs, bac­te­ria and virus­es.

6) 2‑way communication

Some access con­trol sys­tems allow you to com­mu­ni­cate with per­sons at the door. This is espe­cial­ly use­ful for com­mu­ni­cat­ing with vis­i­tors, deliv­ery peo­ple and oth­er guests who do not have cre­den­tials. The sys­tems can also be equipped with cam­eras to see who’s at the door and pro­vide access with the tap of a but­ton.

7) Simplified multi-location access

Access con­trol sys­tems in high­ly secure areas allow you to eas­i­ly restrict entry in mul­ti­ple loca­tions with­out man­ag­ing dif­fer­ent keys. For exam­ple, all employ­ees can access the front door, while only approved indi­vid­u­als can access secure rooms inside the build­ing.

8) Integrated automation

Your access con­trol sys­tems can be inte­grat­ed with oth­er auto­mat­ed build­ing sys­tems, such as light­ing and cli­mate con­trol. For exam­ple, when users enter the build­ing or spe­cif­ic rooms, the sys­tem can trig­ger lights to turn on or ther­mostats to adjust. This enhances con­ve­nience and ener­gy effi­cien­cy.

Learn more 

Find out how your busi­ness can ben­e­fit from a com­mer­cial access con­trol sys­tem from PROTECTION PLUS. Con­tact us today for a free con­sul­ta­tion.

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Allan Baum
Allan Baum founded Protection Plus with his wife Neseh in 1994. He has worked in the security industry since 1991. His educational background includes an MBA from York University ( when it was still York) and a B.A. from McGill. Allan and Neseh have three wonderful children who are now considered adults and an equally wonderful dog named Waub.