Back to School Safe­ty Tips!

Sep­tem­ber is a busy time, wrap­ping up Sum­mer vaca­tions, and of course, the mad scram­ble to get the kids ready for the return to school. Where do you start? And most impor­tant­ly, how do you keep every­one safe and secure? Here are some sim­ple sug­ges­tions to help.


1. As a par­ent, give your­self plen­ty of time, espe­cial­ly on the first few days. Pack some patience and dri­ve sen­si­bly: Obey the post­ed speed lim­its, do not pass oth­er vehi­cles, do not park ille­gal­ly, change lanes, or make U‑turns, while dri­ving in a school zone.

2. If you are lucky enough to be in walk­ing or cycling dis­tance to school, do a dry run with the kids a few days before school starts so they can be famil­iar with the route. Choose the most direct route, with the least num­ber of street cross­ings. If there is a route that will have a cross­ing guard, this is a good choice. If you are not walk­ing with your kids, the bud­dy sys­tem using sib­lings or neigh­bour­hood kids is a good idea.

3. Walk­ers should not use cell phones while walk­ing and should not wear head­phones or ear­buds. It’s vital­ly impor­tant to be ful­ly aware of the sur­round­ings.

4. If your kids will be bused, make sure you have con­firmed with the school and bus com­pa­ny about the route, and the approx­i­mate pick­up and drop off time. Be ear­ly, and accom­pa­ny your kids to the bus stop on the first few days!

5. Put your home phone #, and your mobile phone # on the inside of your child’s jack­ets and back­packs. Work on hav­ing them mem­o­rize your phone # and home address.

6. Make sure your kids know that it’s nev­er appro­pri­ate to accept a ride from a stranger or even a known adult with­out the absolute per­mis­sion of the par­ent.

7. Teach chil­dren about stranger dan­ger: Make sure kids know not to talk to strangers on their way home from school, even if they seem friend­ly or help­ful. They should nev­er accept gifts or rides from strangers. It’s also impor­tant to teach them about strangers whom they can go to for help in an emer­gency, such as police, secu­ri­ty, or oth­er par­ents with chil­dren.

8. When kids are the first to get home. They need to make sure the house is locked before walk­ing in. They should look for red flags that might sig­nal an intru­sion. If some­thing seems wrong, it is wrong. Kids should go to a pre­de­ter­mined safe place, such as a neighbour’s house and call their par­ents.

9. Set up your alarm sys­tem with “Smart Mon­i­tor­ing” where the alarm sys­tem will auto­mat­i­cal­ly send you a noti­fi­ca­tion when your kids enter their alarm code. If you have sur­veil­lance cam­eras, they too can send you a clip when the kids arrive home.

10. Have a plan for lost keys: Even respon­si­ble chil­dren can lose keys. A lost key in your neigh­bour­hood is a secu­ri­ty prob­lem. Make it easy for kids to stay safe and secure by invest­ing in a lock­set that can be eas­i­ly rekeyed or a key­less entry sys­tem.

Back to School Safety …

A big part of safe­ty and secu­ri­ty is aware­ness and edu­ca­tion. It’s easy to be com­pla­cent; we like to believe we are safe in our homes and com­mu­ni­ties. How­ev­er, to ensure we remain safe and secure, requires us all to main­tain a lev­el of dili­gence.

Have a great safe School Year!

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Allan Baum
Security Industry veteran with over 30+ years in the industry. Founded family owned and operated Protection Plus in 1994 with his wife and has overseen its growth since. In addition to working with his wife and son, Allan has assigned the role of Chief Canine Officer to his trusted dog Waub, who joins him at the office every day.