Ten tips to preÂvent water damÂage in your home!
Our homes are often described as our casÂtles. It’s a conÂstant task to keep our homes safe and secure. We need to address the threats to our homes on many difÂferÂent fronts. While we often talk about artiÂfiÂcial threats, in the way as a break and enterÂing or vanÂdalÂism. AnothÂer sigÂnifÂiÂcant risk can come from extreme weathÂer or burst pipes resultÂing in floodÂed baseÂments and water damÂage. CliÂmate change has made us more susÂcepÂtiÂble to severe weathÂer, which can mean sudÂden downÂpours with a monÂth’s worth of rain in a few hours. Is your propÂerÂty ready to hanÂdle this kind of storm with high volÂumes of water in a short time? So how do you proÂtect yourÂself? Here are a few tips.
1. PropÂerÂty gradÂing. Your landÂscapÂing should proÂvide a natÂurÂal path for runoff to move away you’re your home. Your yard should be sloped away from the buildÂing. Make sure landÂscapÂing and floor beds are not preÂventÂing water from movÂing away from your baseÂment walls and founÂdaÂtion.
2. Are your downÂspouts and eave troughs in good conÂdiÂtion? Are they free of debris that can cause clogged downÂspouts, resultÂing in overÂflowÂing? Ensure your downÂspouts are NOT conÂnectÂed to your homeÂ’s weepÂing tiles or City drains. You should install drainage pipes to your downÂspouts that take the water at least 6–8ft away from your founÂdaÂtion.
3. RethinkÂing hard surÂfaces around your home is essenÂtial. The rainÂwaÂter needs places to be absorbed into the ground. Rather than using conÂcrete or asphalt driÂveÂways and walkÂways, think about interÂlockÂing brick or stone or loose gravÂel or pebÂble paths.
4. If your street has a storm sewÂer drain near your home, make sure it’s free and clear. If it’s clogged, call the City. And if water on the street canÂnot go into the sewÂer, it will look for alterÂnaÂtives… causÂing water damÂage in your baseÂment.
5. If you have winÂdow wells for your baseÂment winÂdows, conÂsidÂer getÂting clear covÂers for them. WinÂdow wells can fill very quickÂly in a downÂpour and overÂwhelm any drainage that may be in place.
Now on the inside of your home, there are also things you can do for preÂvenÂtion and earÂly detecÂtion!
6. If you have a sump pump, ensure it’s in good workÂing order and that the pit is free of debris, and conÂsidÂer a batÂtery backÂup sysÂtem. Storms often go hand in hand with powÂer failÂures. The pump won’t help you if it has no powÂer!
7. ConÂsidÂer adding water senÂsors to your alarm sysÂtem. These can be installed in your sump pit, near your washÂing machine and hot water tank. GetÂting earÂly notiÂfiÂcaÂtion of a leak can save you from much damÂage.
8. Keep your floor drains clean and clear. Also, ask your plumber about installing a backÂwaÂter valve in your drain. A backÂwaÂter valve is a device that stops water and sewage from comÂing back into the house durÂing times of heavy rainÂfall. AnnuÂal mainÂteÂnance of backÂwaÂter valÂues is essenÂtial.
9. Don’t pour fats, oils and grease down your drains; they may solidÂiÂfy and conÂtribute to a clogged pipe—the last thing you need when your sysÂtem is in disÂtress from a storm!
10. ShelvÂing is your friend in a baseÂment; try to keep as much stuff as posÂsiÂble off the baseÂment floor. If you have valuÂables, keepÂsakes or heirÂlooms, conÂsidÂer that the baseÂment might not be the best place for them.
As with many things … an ounce of preÂvenÂtion is worth a pound of the cure. Take some time to check out your home to see if you are ready for the next storm because it’s comÂing!
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