Are you going away for sum­mer vaca­tion? Don’t leave your home unpro­tect­ed! Bur­glars are look­ing for vacant homes, espe­cial­ly dur­ing the sum­mer when fam­i­lies trav­el. Your home could become a tar­get if you don’t take the right steps before retir­ing. Use this sim­ple vaca­tion check­list to strength­en your home secu­ri­ty and deter bur­glars away from your prop­er­ty.

1. Don’t let mail or packages pile up.

A pile of uncol­lect­ed mail or pack­ages indi­cates nobody has been home for a while. That’s exact­ly what bur­glars want to see! Before you leave, have your mail paused or redi­rect­ed, and con­sid­er can­celling the deliv­ery of any pack­ages. Alter­na­tive­ly, ask a friend or neigh­bour to col­lect every­thing while you’re gone.

2. Let a neighbour know you’ll be gone.

Even if you don’t need your mail col­lect­ed, inform­ing at least one trust­ed neigh­bour that you’ll be gone is a good idea. So if they see any activ­i­ty on your prop­er­ty, they’ll know it’s sus­pi­cious. Let the neigh­bour know what dates you’re leav­ing and return­ing, and pro­vide a phone num­ber where you can be reached.

3. Keep your lawn mowed.

An unkempt yard is anoth­er sign to bur­glars that the home is prob­a­bly vacant. Have some­one mow the grass for you while you’re gone. And if you’ll be gone for an extend­ed peri­od, ensure any shrub­bery is main­tained as well.

4. Use timers or smart lights.

Sched­ule some lights to acti­vate auto­mat­i­cal­ly so the home doesn’t appear dark and vacant. This can be done with inex­pen­sive timers or Inter­net-con­nect­ed smart lights/bulbs. If a would-be bur­glar sees that a light is on, they’ll be like­li­er to skip your house and look for a com­plete­ly dark one.

5. Close and lock all doors and windows.

This tip may seem obvi­ous, but you’d be sur­prised how many fam­i­lies acci­den­tal­ly leave a win­dow open or a back door unlocked on vaca­tion. Before you go, take the time to check every entry point and win­dow to ensure they are secure­ly closed and locked.

6. Arm your home security system.

Hope­ful­ly, you already do this every time you leave home, but it’s essen­tial before trav­el­ling. If your home secu­ri­ty sys­tem is trig­gered, the alarm will help to scare off intrud­ers, and author­i­ties can be alert­ed by your alarm mon­i­tor­ing cen­ter.

7. Turn on your security cameras.

If you have secu­ri­ty cam­eras, ensure they are acti­vat­ed and func­tion­ing prop­er­ly before leav­ing. If your cam­eras have a motion-acti­va­tion fea­ture, ensure it’s enabled so you’ll be alert­ed if any activ­i­ty is detect­ed.

While you’re on vaca­tion, the last thing you want is to wor­ry about your home being bro­ken into. Use the tips above to secure your home before leav­ing, so you can relax and enjoy your time away!

Need some home security expertise?

Con­tact us at PROTECTION PLUS to request a no-oblig­a­tion secu­ri­ty sys­tem con­sul­ta­tion today.

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Mike Wedmann
Mike Wedmann is an experienced Security Industry Professional with over 25 years experience as a Security Integrator and Project Manager. Mike has been with Protection Plus Inc. for over 20 years. Mike has lived in the greater Toronto area for over 25 years with his wife, 2 kids and a dog named Bart. He has an educational background in Communications and writing. Mike is a published author that writes about his experiences on various topics, including his experience as a parent. Primarily Mike writes about Security Industry products and Security Solutions that benefit consumers.