If you’ve had the mis­for­tune of hav­ing your web­site hacked you know all too well the destruc­tion a sin­gle hack­er can cause. Hack­ers are more than infor­ma­tion thieves; they can ruin your com­pa­ny, tar­get your cus­tomers, and cre­ate irrepara­ble dam­age. Leav­ing your web­site vul­ner­a­ble to hack­ers is like leav­ing the door to your home open with a big sign that says, “Please steal my valu­ables. Thank you!”

Don’t fall vic­tim to Inter­net bur­glars and secure your web­site from being hacked with these impor­tant tips:

    • Stay updat­ed with the lat­est hack­ing threats. Learn the newest schemes so you always know what to look for and how to pro­tect your site against new changes. A sim­ple online search can let you know what Inter­net thieves are doing to tar­get web­sites. Online schemes are often com­plex and extend far beyond junk mail scams. Edu­cate your­self in order to pro­tect your­self.
  • If you use a pass­word-based oper­a­tion, make sure you and your employ­ees change access codes often. Keep pass­words hard­er to guess by using ran­dom num­bers, let­ters and sym­bols instead of the typ­i­cal com­bi­na­tion like a pet’s name or your birth year. Do not send log in details via email or dis­cuss them with any­one unless it is request­ed by your company’s IT pro­fes­sion­al.
    • Update your soft­ware often. Hack­ers have the abil­i­ty to scan web­sites to search for vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties. If they notice you haven’t updat­ed your secu­ri­ty soft­ware in a while, they will pounce. A lot of peo­ple ignore soft­ware updates when they pop up. Take the time to update and you’ll be sav­ing your site from hack­ing pos­si­bil­i­ties.
  • Don’t give away all your infor­ma­tion at once. Detailed error mes­sages can give hack­ers clues as to what they need to get into your web­site. If they’re try­ing to log and receive an error mes­sage, that mes­sage should be suc­cinct and read noth­ing more than some­thing gener­ic like “Incor­rect User­name or Pass­word.” Some web­sites let you know that you’ve entered the wrong user­name but the right pass­word and vice ver­sa. Do not let hack­ers know that they’re half way there when they’re try­ing to com­man­deer your site.
  • Install a WAF (web appli­ca­tion fire­wall) to act as a bar­ri­er between your serv­er and your site, inter­cept­ing any harm­ful data that’s try­ing to pass through. WAFs are use­ful because they give hack­ers a hard time and make it almost impos­si­ble for them to access your web­site.

With the prop­er secu­ri­ty option in place, you can keep your web­site safe and keep hack­ers out.

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Allan Baum
Security Industry veteran with over 30+ years in the industry. Founded family owned and operated Protection Plus in 1994 with his wife and has overseen its growth since. In addition to working with his wife and son, Allan has assigned the role of Chief Canine Officer to his trusted dog Waub, who joins him at the office every day.