Win­ter gen­er­al­ly means home own­ers get a reprieve from the bar­rage of Door to Door marketer’s aka Door knock­ers, that inter­rupt evenings with offers to replace Hot Water Tanks, sell cheap­er ener­gy or pro­vide Free Alarm Sys­tems.doorknocker

So should you buy from some­body that knocks on your door at dusk…unannounced?  The answer of course is NO!  Be aware that the Door knock­ers are per­sis­tent and insis­tent. They are a force to be reck­oned with. The per­fect can­di­date for a door knock­er is a home­own­er that is trust­ing of strangers and will­ing to let them in the door.  They are trained to keep push­ing until you say no at least 9 times! And while they are busier in the sum­mer months, even in win­ter you can find them in neigh­bor­hoods all across the GTA.

Some are not sales­peo­ple at all. They’re just imper­son­ators try­ing to find out about any exist­ing alarm sys­tem you have. They may ask to come inside to inspect your home. What they’re real­ly doing is cas­ing it for a pos­si­ble bur­glary.

Here are some tips from the Bet­ter Busi­ness Bureau regard­ing Door­knock­ers.

1. Don’t let a stranger in your home. No mat­ter how per­sis­tent or nice they may seem, don’t let the sales­per­son through the door. Thieves are known to pose as sales­men to case a house they may be plan­ning to bur­glar­ize.  You can nev­er be sure who this per­son is, and whether they are even rep­re­sent­ing a com­pa­ny.

2. Ask the sales­per­son for writ­ten mate­r­i­al about the com­pa­ny and let him or her know you are going research the com­pa­ny before mak­ing a pur­chase. Check the company’s BBB Busi­ness Review at and do a google search about com­plaints and ser­vice his­to­ry.

3. Nev­er show or give a copy of your alarm con­tract, state­ment, or ener­gy bill to a door­knock­er.

4. If you decide to make a pur­chase, (which we high­ly dis­cour­age) ask for a dat­ed can­cel­la­tion form and a dat­ed receipt. Note: The Con­sumer Act In Ontario allows for a “Cool­ing-Off” peri­od.  The law gives buy­ers a 10-busi­ness-day peri­od to can­cel a pur­chase.

Home PROTECTION PLUS ® does not rec­om­mend let­ting any door to door solic­i­tor into you’re your home. Be wary of open­ing the door to strangers, and teach your chil­dren about when it is safe to open doors.  If you are inter­est­ed in a new ser­vice we rec­om­mend you research com­pa­nies first and then con­tact the cho­sen com­pa­nies to sched­ule an appoint­ment for a pro­fes­sion­al to vis­it your home.

Remem­ber the gold­en rule. “If it sounds too good to be true…it prob­a­bly is”. Do not be pres­sured into sign­ing any con­tracts etc with the promise of great sav­ings. If the offer­ing is legit­i­mate, it will still be avail­able AFTER you have time to think about it and inves­ti­gate.

Exer­cise great cau­tion at all times.

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Allan Baum
Security Industry veteran with over 30+ years in the industry. Founded family owned and operated Protection Plus in 1994 with his wife and has overseen its growth since. In addition to working with his wife and son, Allan has assigned the role of Chief Canine Officer to his trusted dog Waub, who joins him at the office every day.