126 mil­lime­ters. That’s how much rain was seen by the city of Toron­to dur­ing Mon­day’s unex­pect­ed severe thun­der­storm that not only flood­ed streets and dam­aged homes, but also brought the city to a stand­still. This much rain in a sin­gle day has not been seen in the city since Hur­ri­cane Hazel back in 1954. After Monday’s storm and the recent flood­ing in Cal­gary, it’s evi­dent that weath­er sys­tems are now shift­ing, with severe storms and nat­ur­al dis­as­ters becom­ing more com­mon. If they’re becom­ing more com­mon, we should take steps now to pro­tect our homes and busi­ness­es from the dev­as­tat­ing effects. Here are some tips on how to pro­tect your home or busi­ness from the dev­as­tat­ing effects of these severe weath­er sys­tems.


Fires are dead­ly and can move fast, engulf­ing a house in mere min­utes. House fires can occur for a vari­ety of rea­sons, from faulty elec­tri­cal to a crack in the gas pipe. What can you do to pro­tect your home?

  1. Have fire extin­guish­ers present in rooms that have the high­est chance of catch­ing fire. Only use them for small, con­trol­lable fires and make sure to check the gauge every month.
  2. Make sure smoke detec­tors are present in every room on every floor of the house. Test to make sure they work and that every­one knows what it sounds like. Also, remem­ber to replace your smoke detec­tors every 10 years.
  3. Pre­pare and prac­tice a home escape plan. Every­one should know how to exit the house, in case of a fire. Pre­pare a back­up plan as well, just in case the orig­i­nal escape route does not work.
  4. Remove pot­ted flow­ers, shrubs and dead plants close from the house. If these catch on fire, they can help ignite a struc­tur­al house fire.


Over the last 10 years, the aver­age cost of water dam­age claims have risen from $71.92 in 2002 to $15,500 in 2012, an increase of 117%. With this increase, water has become the new fire. Here’s how to pro­tect your home from the costs of water dam­age

  1. When fin­ish­ing a base­ment, make sure to first seal the exte­ri­or walls to pre­vent water from seep­ing into the rooms.
  2. Divert snow and water away from the house, mak­ing sure that it slopes away from the house to pre­vent water from seep­ing in
  3. Clear out gut­ters and make sure win­dows are free of debris. You want to make sure that water caught in these is able to flow out smooth­ly and not into your house.
  4. If your house has a drain pipe, use it. These are locat­ed in the base­ment and are very use­ful to help drain water that pours in and pre­vent water lev­els from ris­ing.


Hur­ri­canes not only pack immense amounts of rain but also bring with it wind speeds strong enough to tear down a house. Here’s how you can lim­it the dam­age.

  1. Board up win­dows and doors. Don’t take a chance of your win­dows pos­si­bly break­ing, and dam­ag­ing the inside of your home.
  2. Make sure to pre­pare sup­plies for 72 hours, just in case of pow­er out­ages.
  3. Store away out­door fur­ni­ture. This pre­vents it from get­ting lost in the storm or caus­ing more dam­age to the exte­ri­or.
  4. Clear clogged rain gut­ters to pre­vent flood­ing of your home or busi­ness.
  5. Dou­ble check to make sure your roof is stur­dy, secure and free of leaks. You don’t want it col­laps­ing or fly­ing off dur­ing a hur­ri­cane.
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Allan Baum
Security Industry veteran with over 30+ years in the industry. Founded family owned and operated Protection Plus in 1994 with his wife and has overseen its growth since. In addition to working with his wife and son, Allan has assigned the role of Chief Canine Officer to his trusted dog Waub, who joins him at the office every day.