Peo­ple often asso­ciate spring, with the high­est risk of floods.  And real­is­ti­cal­ly it is a time of high vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty.  But the trend over the past 2 decades, of increas­ing­ly severe weath­er sys­tems dur­ing all 4 sea­sons, has made the risk of Flood a con­tin­u­ous poten­tial prob­lem.   Con­se­quent­ly, this is a great time for indi­vid­u­als, fam­i­lies, busi­ness­es and com­mu­ni­ties to under­stand their risk for flood­ing and take pre­cau­tions to pro­tect their fam­i­lies and prop­er­ty in the event of flood­ing.

Floods are one of the most com­mon haz­ards in North Amer­i­ca, but not all Floods are alike.  We have seen dra­mat­ic media cov­er­age of Flood scenes from the Red Riv­er in Man­i­to­ba etc.  And a flash flood of a major riv­er may have dif­fer­ent reper­cus­sion than a dri­ving rain, what­ev­er the cause,  dev­as­tat­ing dam­age to prop­er­ty and build­ings can be the result.  A com­mon cause of flood in urban cen­ters can be a water main break, or poor­ly designed eaves trough sys­tems.

There are some sim­ple steps that can be tak­en to reduce the risks of all types of floods.  If you live on or near a flood plain, or major riv­er, mon­i­tor the gov­ern­ment weath­er ser­vice that pre­dicts floods and rates dan­ger lev­els

Heavy rains can turn a lazy riv­er or stream into a rag­ing tor­rent of water.  Exer­cise extreme cau­tion around river­banks and shore­lines dur­ing spring run-off, and severe weath­er sys­tems.  Keep chil­dren well way from water­ways.

For the aver­age home own­er, not hav­ing your base­ment flood­ed in the past, does not make you immune to a future prob­lem.

Here are some sim­ple flood pro­tec­tion tips:

Insure your gut­ters (eaves troughs) are in good con­di­tion and clear of debris, such as leaves.  Direct the eaves trough pipe well away from your foun­da­tion.

Make sure that the land­scape around your build­ing allows water to drain away from the build­ing, prop­er grad­ing is essen­tial to not over tax your weep­ing drains.

If you rely on a sump pump in your base­ment, install an alarm that alerts you in the event of a pump fail­ure and con­sid­er a bat­tery back­up for the pump.  It’s not unusu­al to have a pow­er fail­ure dur­ing severe storms, when you need your pump work­ing most!

Add a flood sen­sor to your Alarm Sys­tem.   A flood sen­sor can alert you to a faulty sump pump, a bro­ken water pipe, an over­flow­ing wash­ing machine etc.  An ear­ly warn­ing can save you thou­sands of $’s!

Add a low tem­per­a­ture sen­sor to your Secu­ri­ty Alarm Sys­tem. Many floods are caused by burst pipes that were frozen.   A low tem­per­a­ture sen­sor can alert you to falling tem­per­a­tures in your build­ing before you have a prob­lem.

Note:  many insur­ance com­pa­nies have lim­it­ed or no cov­er­age for flood dam­age, or very high deductibles. Check your insur­ance pol­i­cy and dis­cuss your options with your bro­ker.

Take a lit­tle time to pre­pare now, it can save you a great deal of aggra­va­tion in the future.

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Allan Baum
Security Industry veteran with over 30+ years in the industry. Founded family owned and operated Protection Plus in 1994 with his wife and has overseen its growth since. In addition to working with his wife and son, Allan has assigned the role of Chief Canine Officer to his trusted dog Waub, who joins him at the office every day.