The last sum­mer long week­end is end­ing, sum­mer fairs have closed down, back to school sales are in the air. Say­ing good­bye to sum­mer is one of the most dif­fi­cult things to do.  Remem­ber­ing the last night of vaca­tion stills leaves us with cer­tain uneasy mem­o­ries. It’s no dif­fer­ent for our kids. Here are some help­ful hints to chase away the back-to-school blues.

1.   Relax and Prac­tice the first day of school rou­tine: Get­ting into a sleep rou­tine before the first week of school —  Orga­niz­ing every­thing you need for the first day, books, binders and back­packs, oh my. —  Pack a healthy lunch and a cou­ple of treats. Great for mak­ing friends in the lunch room!

2. Get to know your neigh­bour­hood: Take a walk around the block and get to know the neigh­bour­hood. — Meet new neigh­bours and kids and check out the route to school is with­in walk­ing dis­tance. Hope in the cart with your child and dri­ve the route to become famil­iar­ized.

3. Talk to your child: Talk­ing it out will min­i­mize any of your or your child’s anx­i­ety about the new school year.

4. Get involved in the school: Par­tic­i­pat­ing in your child’s school will give you insight into it func­tion­ing and may have a calm­ing effect for your child and ask for help:


The end of dog days of sum­mer is no eas­i­er on our pets. After hav­ing us are 24/7, it’s back to the work­day rou­tine. To help ensure your pet does­n’t go through the pet blues, try these help­ful tips.

saddog — Prac­tice any changes to your dai­ly rou­tine before school starts.

- Make your depar­ture a hap­py time with toys and treats.

- Cre­ate a safe place in the house for your pet.

- Keep the radio on for com­pa­ny.

- Greet your dog in the nor­mal way you come home.

- Keep your home­work to your­self. “My dog ate it” doesn’t work with iCloud any­more.

If your pet con­tin­ues to be anx­ious, con­tact your local vet­eri­nar­i­an.

From every­one here are PROTECTION PLUS ® Good luck with school and with Rover.

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Allan Baum
Security Industry veteran with over 30+ years in the industry. Founded family owned and operated Protection Plus in 1994 with his wife and has overseen its growth since. In addition to working with his wife and son, Allan has assigned the role of Chief Canine Officer to his trusted dog Waub, who joins him at the office every day.