For home­own­ers, installing secu­ri­ty mea­sures is an obvi­ous choice. When it comes to reduc­ing the risk of dam­age or theft with­in your home, installing a home alarm sys­tem is the best deci­sion. They act as pow­er­ful deter­rents to bur­glars, and even when no one is home, the sys­tem can detect a break-in, fire, or oth­er emer­gency and alert the prop­er author­i­ties.

How­ev­er, renters are less like­ly to think about an alarm sys­tem when com­pared to home­own­ers. This is too bad because it is still an essen­tial step to pro­tect­ing your­self and your per­son­al belong­ings. If the house or apart­ment build­ing you rent lacks an alarm sys­tem, you can reduce your risk by installing one.

Talk to your land­lord

The first step in increas­ing your apartment’s secu­ri­ty is talk­ing to your land­lord, as they may already be plan­ning on upgrad­ing the secu­ri­ty of the build­ing. Tell them you are inter­est­ed in an alarm sys­tem as a com­po­nent of any future secu­ri­ty ren­o­va­tions. If that is the case, you are well on your way to hav­ing a more secure apart­ment.

If they are not cur­rent­ly plan­ning on installing an alarm sys­tem, check with them to see if you are allowed to install one on your own. You should make a for­mal writ­ten agree­ment with your land­lord that clear­ly states:

  • Who is pay­ing for the instal­la­tion and ser­vice
  • Whether or not the land­lord will have the secu­ri­ty codes
  • What will hap­pen to the equip­ment and ser­vice after the ten­ant leaves

Cov­er­ing these bases before you start instal­la­tion will keep every­one hap­py and on the same page.

Wired or wire­less?

Home alarm sys­tems can either have wired hard­ware, wire­less, or a hybrid of the two. The type of sys­tem that you use will large­ly depend on your agree­ment with the land­lord.

Wired home alarm sys­tems can be more sta­ble and reli­able, but they require more exten­sive work to be installed. Since a wired sys­tem will require more mod­i­fi­ca­tions to the exist­ing apart­ment, they will require more par­tic­i­pa­tion from your land­lord.

They may want to be present dur­ing instal­la­tion to make sure there is no dam­age. Also, these sys­tems are more per­ma­nent, which means it will be hard­er for you to take the equip­ment with you if you move out.

Wire­less sys­tems offer more flex­i­bil­i­ty and ease of instal­la­tion. If you are plan­ning on mov­ing out soon, but you are pay­ing for the equip­ment, then a wire­less sys­tem might be best for you. You will be able to hold onto your invest­ment and poten­tial­ly install it at your next apart­ment.

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Allan Baum
Security Industry veteran with over 30+ years in the industry. Founded family owned and operated Protection Plus in 1994 with his wife and has overseen its growth since. In addition to working with his wife and son, Allan has assigned the role of Chief Canine Officer to his trusted dog Waub, who joins him at the office every day.