Keep­ing your busi­ness safe is no easy feat. Besides pro­tect­ing your web­site from hack­ers, there are phys­i­cal and online mea­sures you can take to ensure your busi­ness is safe.

Here are five secu­ri­ty mea­sures your busi­ness should be tak­ing:

  1. If you give your employ­ees com­pa­ny phones and oth­er tech to work with, make sure they’re secured. Lap­tops, tablets and mobile phones con­tain so much valu­able data that if they get lost or stolen, your com­pa­ny could lose more than mon­ey; you could lose irre­place­able doc­u­ments. Any portable device that an employ­ee can take with them out­side of the office should be safe­guard­ed to avoid any loss of data.
  2. Fran from account­ing loves cats. She loves them so much that she’ll click on any­thing that con­tains a cat pic­ture. Edu­cate your employ­ees about safe online habits so they – espe­cial­ly Fran – know what’s okay to click on and what can cause seri­ous harm to their com­put­ers. The best way to do this is ver­bal. Send­ing out emails telling your employ­ees to watch what they click on may not get read, but hav­ing a web safe­ty sem­i­nar pre­sent­ed by your IT depart­ment will be impact­ful.
  3. Secure your serv­er room(s). You’ve prob­a­bly already secured your Wi-Fi® net­work – if you haven’t, get on that! – but what about your serv­er room? Lock the room or rooms that house your servers and only give the key or access code to peo­ple who absolute­ly need it.
  4. Imple­ment crim­i­nal checks on all cur­rent and poten­tial employ­ees. This secu­ri­ty mea­sure is very impor­tant because although some­one may not appear to have a crim­i­nal past, they very well could be an expe­ri­enced hack­er wait­ing to over­throw your company’s serv­er and steal valu­able data. It seems extreme, but in our extreme­ly dig­i­tal world, it’s not far-fetched. Back­ground checks are offered to employ­ers via the RCMP and can let you know if the per­son you’re hop­ing to hire is a threat to your com­pa­ny. Depend­ing on what province you oper­ate in, crim­i­nal back­ground checks can cost as lit­tle as $20 per employ­ee.
  5. Do not let deliv­ery peo­ple in. If you order lunch, meet the deliv­ery per­son out­side. A thief could very eas­i­ly dis­guise them­selves as a deliv­ery per­son and walk right into your office, steal impor­tant doc­u­ments and walk right out unde­tect­ed. If you have a recep­tion area, do not let deliv­ery peo­ple past that point. It’s always bet­ter to be safe than sor­ry. You don’t want a bur­glar to grab an unat­tend­ed lap­top from someone’s desk and hide it in a piz­za box.
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Allan Baum
Security Industry veteran with over 30+ years in the industry. Founded family owned and operated Protection Plus in 1994 with his wife and has overseen its growth since. In addition to working with his wife and son, Allan has assigned the role of Chief Canine Officer to his trusted dog Waub, who joins him at the office every day.