Qolsys IQ Panel 4


Qolsys IQ Panel 4 From PROTECTION PLUS

The most pow­er­ful secu­ri­ty and smarthome plat­form gets Dual SRF, fea­tur­ing Pow­erG.
The IQ Pan­el 4 includes 7” HD Touch­screen, a built-in 4K (8MP) cam­era and a new exclu­sive fea­ture: Dual SRF fea­tur­ing Pow­erG, the best wire­less sen­sor pro­to­col avail­able. Pow­erG has 4x the range of tra­di­tion­al wire­less, mil­i­tary grade 2‑way encryp­tion, auto­mat­ic sig­nal adjust­ment to improve bat­tery life and ensure a reli­able con­nec­tion, and inter­fer­ence cir­cum­ven­tion to ensure your sig­nals nev­er get blocked by oth­er wire­less pro­to­cols.

PowerG compatibility

In addi­tion to Pow­erG com­pat­i­bil­i­ty, each IQ Pan­el 4 includes a spe­cial daugh­ter card for back­wards com­pat­i­bil­i­ty with one of three dif­fer­ent lega­cy wire­less fre­quen­cies: 319.5 MHz (Qol­sys S‑Line, Inter­logix) 345 MHz (Hon­ey­well, 2gig) or 433 MHz (DSC) to allow you to re-use your old sen­sors with­out requir­ing an expen­sive trans­la­tor.

IQ Panel SRF

The IQ Pan­el 4 Plus also includes Qol­sys 4.1 Soft­ware, with pow­er­ful fea­tures such as Live View, Live Answer, Blue­tooth Touch­less Dis­arm­ing, LTE & Wi-Fi Dual Path Con­nec­tiv­i­ty and more.


All the sen­sors paired with the sys­tem are encrypt­ed so hack­ers can’t break into your home. They have 8–10 years of bat­tery life and use rare earth mag­nets, so they are both high­ly sen­si­tive yet for­giv­ing as your home expands and moves in var­i­ous weath­er con­di­tions. This helps pre­vent false alarms and ensures every sig­nal sent by these sen­sors are pro­tect­ed against hack­ers.

Built In Glass Break Detector


The IQ Pan­el includes a glass break detec­tor right in the pan­el, using the micro­phones and quad core proces­sor. It will cov­er mul­ti­ple win­dows with­in a 15-foot range. It also fea­tures Crash and Smash detec­tion which still sends out an alarm sig­nal dur­ing a break-in if the pan­el is destroyed.

Built In Glass Break Detector
Qolsys Photo Frame


The IQ Pan­el includes a pho­to frame screen­saver so it kind of “dis­guis­es” itself when you’re not using it. You can leave the great pic­tures on there that come withs it, or if you want to add your own per­son­al pic­tures you put them on there using a MicroSD card.

Bluetooth Touchless Disarming


With our Blue­tooth Touch­less Dis­arm­ing you can leave your phone in your pocket/purse and it will auto­mat­i­cal­ly dis­arm when your phone gets in range. No typ­ing codes, you just walk in the house and it dis­arms like mag­ic! You can pair up to 5 smart­phones.
Bluetooth Touchless Disarming
Mobile Apps


You’ll get access to the Alarm.com app that gives you access to your sys­tem around the clock. Arm, dis­arm, see whether your doors are open or if motion is detect­ed in your home. If some­thing hap­pens on your IQ Pan­el sys­tem you can get a text mes­sage. Set up alerts for all sorts of things like “Send me a text when my child gets home from school” or “Send me a text when my dog­walk­er comes over” or even “Send me a text if my pow­er goes out.”

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Life Safety Devices


The IQ Pan­el can pair with life safe­ty devices like smoke detec­tors, car­bon monox­ide detec­tors, flood detec­tors, tem­per­a­ture sen­sors and more to ensure your home is safe from life or prop­er­ty-threat­en­ing events like a fire, flood, HVAC fail­ure, and more.

Life Safety Devices
IQ Panel Emulator


Down­load the IQ Pan­el Emu­la­tor from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store and try it out for your­self!