Residential & Commercial
Hardwire Security System Toronto

Honeywell VISTA™


Choose our tra­di­tion­al hard­wire alarm secu­ri­ty sys­tem pack­age for excel­lent val­ue in homes with unfin­ished base­ments and with builder alarm pre-wire pack­ages. A hard­wire alarm pack­age offers small­er bat­tery-free devices in your home or busi­ness.

  • 1 Hon­ey­well VISTA™ Series Con­trol Pan­el
  • Main Floor Motion Detec­tor
  • Siren
  • Win­dow & Door Decals
  • $0 Instal­la­tion Fee
  • $0 Equip­ment Fee
  • 1 Key­pad
  • 2 Door Con­tacts
  • Back­up Bat­tery
  • Live Mon­i­tor­ing 24/7/365
  • $0 Acti­va­tion Fee

Deluxe Tuxedo Touch Keypad

Honeywell Tuxedo Touch™

Get the Big Picture with Tuxedo Touch

Honeywell’s Tuxe­do Touch takes a Secu­ri­ty Key­pad to a whole new lev­el! The stun­ning 7in. high-res­o­lu­tion graph­ic touch­screen is the eas­i­est, most afford­able way to tie all of the tech­nol­o­gy in your home or busi­ness togeth­er. A once func­tion­al Key­pad now becomes a tech­no­log­i­cal show­piece in your foy­er. The Tuxe­do is designed to work with intu­itive icons or with voice com­mand tech­nol­o­gy. Beyond con­trol­ling your alarm sys­tem, the Tuxe­do Con­trol cen­tre lets you view your cam­eras, and use the built-in Z‑Wave® mod­ule to be the hub for all your automa­tion needs. Con­trol Z‑Wave enabled ther­mostats, lights, locks and even win­dow shades. The Tuxe­do Touch can also respond to sim­ple speech commands—literally giv­ing a voice to your sys­tem and enabling con­ve­nient, hands-free oper­a­tion. Com­bine it with PROTECTION PLUS® Smart Mon­i­tor­ing and enjoy remote ser­vices for your secu­ri­ty sys­tem, automa­tion con­trols and video view­ing… any­where in the world. Ask us how to design your new sys­tem or add the Tuxe­do to your exist­ing alarm sys­tem.

UPGRADE to VISTA™ IP Inter­net com­mu­ni­ca­tions
RECEIVE Hon­ey­well Total Con­nect® BASIC SERVICE

*Based on a three-year mon­i­tor­ing agree­ment. Addi­tion­al equip­ment is avail­able.

*Some con­di­tions apply.